Feb 1, 2011
Destination Graduation: Sixth Grade Early Warning Indicators for Baltimore City Schools: Their Prevalence and Impact examines the 2000-01 cohort of sixth grade students from Baltimore City Schools to determine whether there were indicators that predicted eventual...
Aug 1, 2010
Gradual Disengagement: A Portrait of the 2008-09 Dropouts in the Baltimore City Schools examined eight years of student-level data to paint a collective portrait of the process of disengagement that leads to student dropout. The study found that the majority of...
May 13, 2008
By: Martha Abele Mac Iver, Stephen B. Plank, Rachel E. Durham, Elizabeth Farley-Ripple Published: May 13, 2008 “The Challenge of On-Time Arrival: The Seven-Year Flight Paths of Baltimore’s Sixth Graders of 1999-2000” a study that retrospectively followed a cohort of...