Baltimore Education Research Consortium

The Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC) is a research practice-partnership between institutions of higher education in Maryland, Baltimore City Public Schools, organizations that serve families and children in Baltimore City, and and other civic and community partners.

What we Do

Education Research for the Benefit of Baltimore’s Children and Families

BERC’s mission is to develop and support long- and short-term research-practice partnership projects that address questions of critical importance through the conduct and dissemination of rigorous strategic data analysis and research for the benefit of the children and families of Baltimore City.

Findings from our projects help educational leaders, partners, and other stakeholders be well positioned to move conversations forward, design strategic and practical responses to challenges, advocate for resources, capitalize upon promising practices, and identify levers for positive change.

BERC works collaboratively with partners while maintaining an independent voice and is a highly valued connector of education stakeholders and leaders across Maryland, source of in-depth research expertise, and contributor to the efforts and public conversation surrounding the education of children in our public schools.


Recent Work

Effects of Head Start or Pre-K on Later School Attendance (2024)

This article published in Early Childhood Research Quarterly finds that Baltimore City Public School students who attended Head Start or public pre-kindergarten experience positive long-term effects on school attendance from kindergarten all the way through fifth grade.

Ninth Grade Success in Baltimore City (2024)

This report overviews trends in ninth grade success and graduation for first-time high school students in Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPSS). Part I of the report uses historical data from several cohorts of students to establish the relationship between ninth grade success and on-time high school graduation. Part II applies the ninth grade success categories to the most recent cohort of ninth grade students available to examine key measures for these students. 

Effects of Career and Technical Education in Baltimore City (2023)

This presentation examines the benefits and mechanisms of participation in career and technical education (CTE) on secondary education, postsecondary enrollment/persistence, and labor market outcomes.  It was presented at the December 2023 Research Series of the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center.

Kindergarten Success Fact Book (2023)

This report provides an overview of kindergarten readiness of six Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) kindergarten cohorts from the 2016-2017 to the 2021–22 school year.