Mar 13, 2016
In 2015, 52% of Baltimore City Public Schools’ kindergarteners were assessed as entering school without sufficient social-behavioral skills needed to learn. These are the readiness skills children need to follow directions, comply with rules, manage emotions, solve...
Nov 1, 2015
This report is the third in a series of reports describing Baltimore City Schools graduates enrolling in college the fall after graduation and how many of them went on to earn degrees after six years. Findings of the report include: The majority of City Schools’...
Nov 30, 2014
The Ingenuity program was designed to “provide Baltimore’s brightest middle school students with a free, highly accelerated, and challenging mathematics and science curriculum” (Ingenuity Project, 2014). Begun in 1993 at two middle schools, one is located on the east...
Sep 17, 2014
This report considers the meaning of college readiness from both the district and college perspective. In the past decade, numerous actors in educational research, policy, and practice have converged upon a seemingly practical definition of college readiness that...
Jul 12, 2013
By: Rachel E. Durham and Linda S. Olson A descriptive report on Baltimore City School graduates who enrolled in post secondary institutions the fall after graduation for the Classes of 2007 through 2012 and six year degree completion rates for the Classes of 2004...