OrchKids and Student Outcomes

Baltimore OrchKids: An Examination of Student Outcomes describes an analysis exploring the relationship between participation in OrchKids’ out-of-school-time programming and several student measures. Using a quasi-experimental design, the research examined...

Improving Baltimore Students’ Access to College

This report, Improving Baltimore Students’ Access to College, provides a qualitative account of the implementation of two college access support models in Baltimore City Schools. The initiative, launched in 2016-17, was developed by the College Bound Foundation,...

Launching into Adulthood

Class of 2009 Six Years Later by Rachel E. Durham & Faith Connolly In a series of briefs, BERC presents research describing the educational and workforce outcomes of Baltimore graduates six years after graduation. We focus on the class of 2009 as it is the most...

Getting to High School in Baltimore

Getting to High School in Baltimore:  Student Commuting and Public Transportation Starting in 2015, BERC researchers became interested in high school student commutes and the potential relationship with attendance and tardiness. This first report examines the commutes...