Effects of Career and Technical Education

Effects of Career and Technical Education Access the presentation here Secondary, Postsecondary, and Labor Market Effects of Career and Technical Education in Baltimore City Public Schools By Marc L. Stein, Jay Plasman, Rachel E. Durham, and Zyrashae Smith-Onyewu...

Thinking about Useful School Metrics: Comparing ‘Like’ Schools

In this new school quality brief, Baltimore City Schools researchers, Christopher Wohn, M.D. and Liepa Boberiene, Ph.D. share a new method to compare schools that are similar by student characteristics (i.e., the percent economically disadvantaged, and...

Kindergarten Attendance and Readiness for Baltimore’s Class of 2027

This brief examines kindergarten readiness and attendance in kindergarten for children enrolled in publicly provided early education programs as well as similar children who entered kindergarten without enrolling in these programs. Researchers found that children who...

i3 MS STEM Project

By: Martha Abele Mac Iver This rigorous analysis from the first year found that students who participated in this middle school STEM summer program in robotics on math achievement and student interest in STEM subjects and careers, which culminated in a city-wide...

Importance of September Attendance

In this brief examining absences in September and later  schools attendance, we found the September absences predicted later  chronic absence, missing more than 20 days a year) after controlling for student demographic characteristics, service receipt, and attendance...