This second report focuses on the opening of new school libraries and their impact on schools, teachers and students after two years of implementation of the Baltimore Elementary and Middle School Library Project (Library Project). The findings build on the first report, specifically, improvements have been seen in measures of school climate. Also, where proficiency rates in comparison schools tended to decline over time, Library Project schools tended to maintain or increase literacy skill proficiency rates.
Statistically significant differences were found in schools for teachers and students in reading and the enjoyment of reading. Compared to teachers at schools with similarly renovated libraries – those renovated with state QZAB funds but without additional professional development funds, community partnerships, and modernized technology — teachers at Library Project schools reported more collaboration with the school librarian and were four times more likely to have their students use the library for research. They also reported that their library is more welcoming for students; that students enjoy going to the library more; and that the school is more conducive to reading and learning than prior to the new library. Students at Library Project schools are more interested in reading than students at comparison schools. Compared to students in schools with similarly renovated libraries, students in Library Project schools reported they like the library more, have a favorite book or books, and that it is easy for them to find books they like. In-depth interviews with librarians at Library Project schools revealed some best and promising librarian practices that support student reading and literacy development.
Read the full report here.