Research & Publications
Stocks in the Future: An Examination of Participant Outcomes in 2014-15
Stocks in the Future, August 2016 This study presents outcomes on the Stocks in the Future program in several Baltimore City Schools. Stocks in the Future is a financial literacy and incentive program for students in grades 6 through 8, delivered weekly by students'...
Baltimore Community Schools: Promise & Progress
This report, by Rachel E. Durham and Faith Connolly, examined the characteristics of students Community Schools serve, parent engagement, school climate, and student attendance outcomes, as compared to non-Community Schools. In addition, the report examines...
Kindergarten Attendance and Readiness for Baltimore’s Class of 2027
This brief examines kindergarten readiness and attendance in kindergarten for children enrolled in publicly provided early education programs as well as similar children who entered kindergarten without enrolling in these programs. Researchers found that children who...
The Costly Consequences of Not Being Socially and Behaviorally Ready by Kindergarten
In 2015, 52% of Baltimore City Public Schools’ kindergarteners were assessed as entering school without sufficient social-behavioral skills needed to learn. These are the readiness skills children need to follow directions, comply with rules, manage emotions, solve...
Born in Baltimore
This is the first report from the Early Education Data Collaborative (EEDC). With approximately 9,000 babies born each year to Baltimore residents. The EEDC is an effort to describe the experiences of these Baltimore birth cohorts as they grow up in the city and...
College Opportunities and Success: Baltimore City Graduates through the Class of 2014
This report is the third in a series of reports describing Baltimore City Schools graduates enrolling in college the fall after graduation and how many of them went on to earn degrees after six years. Findings of the report include: The majority of City Schools’...
September Attendance: Start Strong, Stay Strong
Cinnamon Brown Mack, Founder/CEO, Victorious Attitudes For Everyday Life, Inc. and Faith Connolly, Executive Director, Baltimore Education Research Consortium September Attendance Matters! A recent Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC) study found that...
The Baltimore City Schools Middle School STEM Summer Program with VEX Robotics
In 2011 Baltimore City Schools submitted a successful proposal for an Investing in Innovations (i3) grant to offer a three year (2012-2014) summer program designed to expose rising sixth through eighth grade students to VEX robotics.1 The i3-funded Middle School...
A Library Like This: Baltimore Library Project Year 2
This second report focuses on the opening of new school libraries and their impact on schools, teachers and students after two years of implementation of the Baltimore Elementary and Middle School Library Project (Library Project). The findings build on the first...
A First Look at Community Schools in Baltimore
In partnership with the Mayor of Baltimore City and Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools), Family League of Baltimore (Family League) launched the Community & School Engagement Strategy in school year 2012-13. The major finding is that community schools...